CS Principles Assignments (2016-2017)

Fourth Quarter

  • Assigned on Monday, 22 May 2017; due by end of day 29 May 2017:

    Do 3x3 Grid Games Exercises 7a-d. Send your answers in an email addressed to jspurgeon@vcstudent.org with the subject "Tic-tac-T".

  • Assigned on Monday, 15 May 2017; due by end of day 5 June 2017:

    MODIFIED ON 5/16 and 5/22: Do 3x3 Grid Games Exercises 1-5 and 6a-c.
    For extra credit, do exercises 6e. For fun, do exercise 6d.

    Send your written responses to the exercises that pose questions in or attached to an email addressed to jspurgeon@vcstudent.org with the subject "Grid Games Written Responses". Send the html and JavaScript code for a single web program in the body of a separate email to jspurgeon@vcstudent.org with the subject "Grid Games Program".

    Your program code will be copied, pasted into the Grid Games "Editor", and evaluated based on what your program does after the "Render That" button is pressed. Test your program before submitting it for grading!

  • Assigned on Wednesday, 19 April 2017; due by the end of day Tuesday, 25 April 2017: FINAL versions of all three components (video, written response, and code) of the CREATE project must be uploaded to the college board website.

Third Quarter

Assignments that WILL be graded:

    [bonus points] Offered on 3 April 2017:
    • Watch the first ten Donald Knuth Web of Stories videos beginning with Family history.
    • Watch at least ten additional Donald Knuth videos of your choosing.
    • Send an email to jspurgeon@vcstudent.org with a list of the titles of all of the Web of Stories videos you watched.
    • Write a letter to Donald Knuth. Proof read your letter very carefully. Treat your writing with the same care and thoughtfulness you would give to a job or college application.
    • Print your letter or very neatly write it by hand and sign it. Carefully deliver the signed letter to Mr. Spurgeon to be sent to Donald Knuth along with Mr. Spurgeon's own letter and letters from other students.
    • The number of bonus points awarded will depend on the quality and thoughtfulness of your letter.
    • Due by end of day Thursday, 6 April 2017.
  • Assigned on Wednesday, 22 March 2017:
    • Is is very important that you understand the requirements of the Create assignment. Go to http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/exam/exam_information/231726.html and note the information about the Create assignment near the bottom of the page. Follow all of the links associated with the create assignment and read all of the referenced material.
    • Review the Create Task Rubric (again).
    • [20 points] Describe the computing artifact and code that that you plan to produce for the "create" portion of the AP Computer Science Principles exam.
      • [5 points] Your description must describe the video that you will create and how it will satisfy the College Board's requirements. You must explain about how long the video will be and what the maximum size of the video file will be. You must also explain what aspects of your artifact the video will demonstrate.
      • [5 points] You must describe at least two algorithms that you plan to use or create.
      • [5 points] You must describe how one algorithm that you plan to use or create will incorporate (makes use of) another algorithm.
      • [5 points] You must describe mathematical and logical concepts that you plan to integrated into your artifact.
    • Email your description to jspurgeon@vcstudent.org with the subject "Create Proposal".
    • Due date: End of day, Monday, 3 April 2017 (the day after spring break). Late work will be penalized 2 points per day.
  • [10 points] Assigned on Tuesday, 21 March 2017: Promote your Explore submission, which you have uploaded to the College Board website, to FINAL status by end of day Wednesday, 22 March 2017. Late work will be penalized two points per calendar day!
  • [40 points] Assigned on Thursday, 9 March 2017:
    • [0 points] Review the Create Task Rubric.
    • [20 points] Complete your own version of the Oregon Trail project that we began working on together in class. Email a single text document containing your html and JavaScript code to jspurgeon@vcstudent.org. Do not email image files that your code references; if you are using images, make sure your img tags include alt text values.
    • [20 points] Using the video creation tool available at http://screencast-o-matic.com/ or another tool of your choice, create a video that demonstrates your Oregon Trail project and present your video to the rest of the class.
    • This assignment must be completed by the end of day, 15 March 2017. Late work will be penalized 2 points per day. (Modified on 22 March. Was a 10 point flat penalty.)
  • [55 points] Assigned on Tuesday, 21 February 2017:
    • [0 points] Review the AP Digital Portfolio Student User Guide for AP Computer Science Principles (again).
    • [20 points] Upload a draft version of a computation artifact per the instructions that begin on page 7 of the AP Digital Portfolio Student User Guide for AP Computer Science Principles.
      • [10 points] Using development processes and tools, create a computational artifact that identifies your chosen computing innovation and provides an illustration, representation, or explanation of the computing innovation’s intended purpose, function, or effect.
      • [5 points] Your artifact must be one of the following supported file types: .MP3, .MP4, .WMV, .AVI, .MOV, .WAV, .AIF or .PDF.
      • [5 points] The size of your artifact cannot be larger than 30MB. If the artifact is or includes an audio or video file, the length of the audio or video cannot exceed 60 seconds.
    • [30 points] Using the written response template described on pages 5 and 6 of the AP Digital Portfolio Student User Guide for AP Computer Science Principles, respond to each of the prompts in sections 2a-2e (5 points per prompt) and upload a draft version of the document as described on page 7. The document you upload must be a .pdf file (5 points).
    • [5 points] Draft versions of your computation artifact and responses to the written questions must be uploaded by the end of day, Monday 27 February 2017.
  • [55 points] Assigned on Thursday, 9 February 2017:
    • [0 points] Review the AP Digital Portfolio Student User Guide for AP Computer Science Principles.
    • [0 points] Carefully read all five pages of of the .pdf document AP Computer Science Principles: Explore Performance Task Scoring Guidelines and Notes (again).
    • [0 points] Review the scoring information and the sample student answers to the Explore performance task provided by the College Board (again).
    • [50 points] Pick one computing innovation and produce one PDF file in which you respond directly to each of the prompts below. Clearly label your responses 2a–2e in order.
      • [10 points] 2a. In approximately 100 words, provide information on your computing innovation and computational artifact.
      • [10 points] 2b. Briefly describe a development process you might use to create a computing artifact for the Explore activity. Explicitly identify the computing tools and techniques you might use to create your artifact. Your description must be detailed enough so that a person unfamiliar with those tools and techniques will understand your process.
      • [10 points] 2c. In approximately 250 words, explain at least one beneficial effect and at least one harmful effect the computing innovation has had, or has the potential to have, on society, economy, or culture.
      • [10 points] 2d. Using specific details, describe (in approximately 250 words):
        • the data your innovation uses;
        • how the innovation consumes (as input), produces (as output), and/or transforms data; and
        • at least one data storage concern, data privacy concern, or data security concern directly related to the computing innovation.
      • [10 points] 2e. Provide a list of at least three online or print sources used to support your responses to the prompts above.
        • At least two of the sources must have been created after the end of the previous academic year.
        • For each online source, include the permanent URL. Identify the author, title, source, the date you retrieved the source, and, if possible, the date the reference was written or posted.
        • For each print source, include the author, title of excerpt/article and magazine or book, page number(s), publisher, and date of publication.
        • If you include an interview source, include the name of the person you interviewed, the date on which the interview occurred, and the person's position in the field.
        • Include citations for the sources you used, and number each source accordingly.
        • Each source must be relevant, credible, and easily accessed.
    • [5 points total] Submit your work for this assignment to Mr. Spurgeon as follows:
      • [2 points] Submit your work by the end of day, Friday, 17 Febrary 2017.
      • [1 point] Email your work for this assignment to jspurgeon@vcstudent.org.
      • [1 point] The subject of your email should be "Explore Exercise 2".
      • [1 point] ATTACH your .pdf document to your email.
  • [30 points] Assigned on Thursday, 2 February 2017:
    • [5 points] Sign in to the AP College Board web site and indicate whether you plan to take the multiple choice portion of the AP Computer Science Principles Exam. If you elect not to take the multiple choice exam, you must provide a note from your parent indicating that they approve of the choice AND you will be required to take a final exam prepared by Mr. Spurgeon at the end of the semester. The parent note must be received by the due date in order for you to receive the points for this portion of the assignment.
    • [0 points] Carefully read all five pages of of the .pdf document AP Computer Science Principles: Explore Performance Task Scoring Guidelines and Notes.
    • [0 points] Review the scoring information and the sample student answers to the Explore performance task provided by the College Board.
    • [3 points] Identify THREE candidate computing innovations that you might want to explore further.
    • [18 points total] For EACH of the three computing innovations you've selected:
      • [2 point per innovation] State a PLAUSIBLE FACT about the computing innovation’s intended purpose or function.
      • [2 point per innovation] Identify a BENEFICIAL EFFECT and a HARMFUL EFFECT of the computing innovation.
      • [2 point per innovation] Provide an inline citation of at least ONE attributed source as part of your response to the two prompts listed above.
    • [4 points total] Submit your work for this assignment to Mr. Spurgeon as follows:
      • [2 points] Submit your work by the end of day, Wednesday, 8 Febrary 2017.
      • [1 point] Email your work for this assignment to jspurgeon@vcstudent.org.
      • [1 point] The subject of your email should be "Explore Exercise 1".

Assignments that will NOT be graded:

Second Quarter

Assignments that WILL be graded:
  • Exercise[32]
    • Assigned on Wed, 18 Jan 2017.
    • Turn in a hard copy of your work when you submit the remainder of your final exam next week.
    • Note: You may refer to your report while you complete your final exam.
  • Exam
    • Wed, 4 Jan 2017
  • Exercise[31]
    • Assigned on Wed, 7 Dec 2016.
    • Due by end of day Tue, 3 Jan 2017 (extended due to snow days).
  • Exercise[30]
    • Assigned on Wed, 30 Nov 2016.
    • Due by end of day Mon, 5 Dec 2016.
  • Exercise[29]
    • Assigned on Fri, 18 Nov 2016.
    • EXTENDED: Due by end of day Tue, 29 Nov 2016.
  • Exercise[28]
    • Assigned on Tue, 15 Nov 2016.
    • Due by end of day Fri, 18 Nov 2016.

Assignments that will NOT be graded:
  • Assigned on Friday, 20 Jan 2016—Review the following topics in preparation for next week's final exam. Come to class on Monday prepared to ask any questions you may have about any of these topics. ALSO: IF YOU MISSED CLASS, FIND OUT FROM SOMEONE WHO WAS PAYING ATTENTION IN CLASS WHY THE GCD ALGORITHM MIGHT BE IMPORTANT TO YOU!
    Donald E. Knuth and The Art of Computer Programming; tracing code by hand; problems, algorithms, and implementations; functions and methods, variables, parameters and arguments; objects, constructors, properties; while loops, for loops, and recursion; logical operators (&&, ||, !), bitwise operators (&, |, ~, ^, >>>, >>, <<), and mathematical operators (+, -, /, %), increment (++) and decrement (--) operators; arrays; the Math.random() method; output methods such as console.log and alert; decimal to binary, binary to decimal, and binary to hex conversions.
  • Assigned on Monday, 12 Dec 2016—Study for test (moved to 4 Jan 2017 due to snow):
    swap, flip, recursion, Josephus Problem, cycle-shift, tracing code by hand, logical and bitwise operators, shift operators, while and for loops, arrays, increment/decrement operators, Math.random method, modulus operator, ...
  • Assigned on Monday, 14 Nov 2016:

First Quarter